Friday, July 13, 2012

Thailand, America, and Italy Unite

As a belated 4th of July Celebration (really we just wanted an excuse), the four of us invited our Thai co-teachers over for dinner on Wednesday night.  We went to Chiang Mai this last weekend, where we picked up some gems, including pasta (and a large jar of peanut butter).  We strategized our menu in accordance with our appliances-- rice cooker and electric wok-- and set off to the market on Tuesday night to buy some kilos of tomatoes, some onions, garlic, and lots of veggies. We even found balsamic vinegar at the department store in town! A worthwhile investment. We whipped up a veggie-ful tomato sauce, complete with lots of Thai basil.  We completed the cooking adventure on Wednesday after school, boiling the pasta in the rice cooker and whipping up some bruschetta. All five co-teachers came,  and we had some other special guests as well: the 4th grade chinese/math teacher who always talks to us, Teacher Ann's crazy 5 year old son and her 12 year old niece, and Teacher Wandee's daughter.

We had a great time sharing our American/Italian dinner with them, and it was topped off by all of the fruit that everyone brought (typical Thai style).  We got everyone to play a few games as well, including charades, in which Dana did an incredible angry bird.
The dinner party set-up:
 The whole gang:
 Teacher Angeli (who has a bark to threaten any out-of-hand 2nd or 3rd grader) and me (the inexperienced foreigner):

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